Saturday, October 5, 2013

Texas Antiques Week, Road March Feet, 120 Day Challenge on-the-road, and a Migraine: autobiographical

This is going to be an interesting (and long) post.  I've got a lot of ground to cover, since a lot has happened in the past few days.
I'll start with my progress in the 120 day challenge. In case you missed my previous post, read it here.  I've been told it's funny, and I'm not gonna lie, I have to agree.  Anyway, day one was Tuesday, October 1st.  It went okay, but I think my body was just in shock. "Um...Jess?  You're a meat love loaded baked eat pizza, and Little Debbie snacks, and drink sweet tea, and COFFEE!!  Why hasn't any of these things touched your lips yet?!?!?!?"  Day 2 was really tough.  I didn't have the energy to get out of bed, and I REALLY wanted to use a sick day - but I didn't.  I stuck it out.  Made my breakfast shake, packed lunch and snacks, and a water jug (sans cucumber, thankyouverymuch) and set of to work.  The morning was uneventful, but around 11am I felt so hungry that I wanted to eat my office supplies.  I wonder if Post-It notes are gluten free... I was told that this was a part of my body detoxing and getting used to smaller meals/snacks throughout the day.  Also, I knew I had to hit the water jug a little harder.  Day 3 was MUCH better.  I woke up feeling rested, I drank lots of water, and did pretty well throughout the work day.  But enough about that...
Antiques Week Loot - round 1
Last weekend a friend of mine and I went to Round Top and Warrenton, TX for Texas Antiques Week.  Even that title doesn't do it justice.  It's not just a week anymore, it's about 3 weeks.  It was a last minute trip, but we had a blast.  She made out like a bandit - got some AWESOME stuff, including a really neat entry-way table made out of the bottom cast iron part of an old Singer sewing machine table.  She got a steal of a deal on that one.  I got a few odds and ends (see above), some replacement Fiesta Ware, and some spindles for building more shutter tables...which reminds me, I'll have to blog about that when I have time...which doesn't seem like anytime soon...but I digress.  There was one piece that I regretted not buying.  Like REALLY regretted not buying.  It was a piece of furniture I had trouble describing even.  It was like a half shelf, half desk...and it had CURVED GLASS!!  I didn't buy it because I didn't want to blow my budget that early in the day, and I just kept waiting for something perfect to jump out at me, but it never happened.  Other than that, the experience was good.  Overwhelming, but good.  There are SO MANY BOOTHS - it's no wonder it's now about 3 weeks long!!  We covered as much ground as we could in a full Saturday, which included stopping in at the Junk Gypsy World Headquarters!!  I saw Amie and Jolie there, but was too starstruck to say hi or ask for a picture with them.  Plus, it was their second day open and everyone looked pretty busy.  I might have gotten my Pilot stuck in the mud in their pasture parking lot, and Jolie's husband, might have had to push me out...but I'll never tell.
Leaving for the day, I was pretty sure I'd be making another trip out...and I knew I'd be looking for the "piece that got away."
Fast Forward to this morning.  6am to be exact.  My alarm is going off, letting me know that it's time to get up and get outta town!!  After making myself a breakfast shake and packing plenty of challenge-approved food and snacks to take with me, I was on the road at 7.
Sunrise over Salado

 My first stop was La Bahia, the set-up in Carmine, TX, where my dream piece was...and it was still there!!  I talked the lady down $95 on it, handed her the cash, and it was MINE!!  I could have just gone home after that, but of course I didn't.  A whole day with your husband's blessing to shop without kids?  Um, yeah, I'll be cherishing every minute! 
My round 2 of Antiques Week was pretty different than round one.  I was flying through vendor booths to cover as much ground as I could.  I went through Round Top and hit up a few places I had missed the previous weekend.  I stopped back in to the JG world headquarters, but this time I got pictures with Amie and Jolie, and even spotted a Duck Dynasty wife (Jep's wife, Jessica) at the store!  I was supposed to be meeting up with a friend in Warrenton so that I could stay the night and shop again in the morning without having to sleep in my car...which was a thought I had entertained.  She would text me with some description of where she was like, "I'm eating a taco across from tents with tricked out colorful furniture" (mmm...that sounds yummy.  I guess I'll have to pretend this carrot and hummus is a taco...) and I would start walking in the direction I thought she could be in.  Every time she sent a text, I would start walking in another direction.  After walking about 8 miles - not even joking, I really wish I had worn a pedometer - I gave up trying to find her.  I was hot, I was sunburned, I was dehydrated, I had a migraine, my feet hurt, and I was D-U-N done!  I called Dear Husband to let him know I wouldn't be staying the night, and headed back to our neck of the woods - to shower, change, and unload everything I bought!! 
He had a hot bubble bath waiting for me - I love that man!  He also noticed that my feet had taken a beating from all the walking.  I think his exact words were, "Dang! You got road march feet!"  If he meant blisters on the bottom of both heels, then yup, that was me.
Bath: check!  Clean clothes: check!  Ice water: check!  Time to unload the SUV!!  Let's see what round two did for me:
Antiques Week - round 2
Awesome Dia De Los Muertos jewelry
 The earrings and ring I got from a little boutique type store in Warrenton.  Everything was on sale, which is one of the perks of shopping the last weekend of Antiques Week!  The ring was 20% off and the earrings were 50% off!  I'm ready for November 2! 

My Junk Gypsy loot!
 "Honey Hush" shirt, and a few stickers from the JG World Headquarters! 
 Cool metal letter S - it's even got a place in the back to attach a light :)  I think I'll keep it rusty.

                                                                                          Fireplace piece.  Holds firewood and 4 tools hook on the back!  Got it for $10!!
 More spindles and Fiesta ware! (Two more dinner plates and a casserole dish)
 I've gotta name this thing, because I don't know what to call it.  It's a cabinet, but has a desk fold out, and a drawer...
Maybe I should have asked the lady I bought it from what the heck it was.  Anyway, here it is in all it's glory!!!
 Curved glass detail.  Such a cool piece!!
Bird detail on the top of the desk? cabinet?  What is it??

Well, this girl is tired!  There are about 240 new miles on my car, a few dollars less in my bank account, about 1,000,000,000 calories burned from walking, and a bed calling my name!!! 

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